Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thoughts for the Year...

Goals for 2015:

-Let God guide my every step..He must be given all the glory; I cannot love the gift He has given me more than Him (thanks Ryan Hall!)
-Get back into Elite running shape and become stronger than ever before
-Listen to my body..aches, pains, tiredness, irritability, hunger and assess the best options for each day
-Keep balance in my life: new job, church, family, friends, running, etc.
-Inspire as many people as I can through the gifts God has blessed me with
-Keep stress levels down/remember that I don't have to do everything all at once
-Take each day one step at a time and cherish every moment
-Love more: others and myself
-Place God first every single day

If you haven't read Running With Joy by Ryan I'm not even finished yet, but I've already learned so much and want to make so many changes in my life.

Have a great start to the new year!


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